Thursday 30 October 2014



A Trini Christmas is not Christmas without sorrel.

A good homemade sorrel is absolutely refreshing!

Refreshing glass of Sorrel
Because I enjoy sorrel so much, I ensure that I have my supply throughout the year, so that anytime I crave a cold refreshing glass or sorrel I am able to indulge in a real Trini semi-non alcoholic drink.

I say semi-non alcoholic drink, because when sweetening sorrel I do include a bit of rum, angostura bitters and cloves.

I am aware that many persons have their own secret ingredient, which they include when preparing their sorrel, to get that special taste they can call their own.

One point to note is that Sorrel takes a lot of sugar to sweeten, so always remember the high sugar content when consuming.

Red and Green/White Sorrel

Do you have a liking for the white or some call it green sorrel? I really think it taste different, so I normally stick to the red sorrel.

What about you, which one do you prefer?

Hope this recipe help make the sorrel drink, just as you like it.

1lb of Sorrel

11 cups of Water

1 cup of Sugar

8 Cloves

4ozs. of Rum

3 dashes of Angostura Bitters

-          Clean and wash sorrel thoroughly to remove leaves and bugs

-          Place sorrel in a large pot with cloves and boil for approximately 30 minutes

-          Allow to cool and draw

-          Strain twice and add sugar, angostura bitters and rum

Now enjoy your refreshing glass of sorrel.

If your ingredients and method is different, I welcome you to share.

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